How you design cities: Surjyatapa Ray

On a neon orange background, a faint wave pattern runs down the right side.
On top, in a yellow rectangle: Design
Below, the headline: How you design cities
Below, a subhead: And what happens when you don’t
Next, the session date: 7th April, 2024
Next, in a circular window, a black-and-white portrait of the presenter with their name: Surjyatapa Ray
And below that, a descriptor: Urbanist
Below, at centre, the logotype for The Goa Project Sessions, which has the words ‘The Goa Project’ in white text next to a stylised sunset-and-water image, and next to that, the word ‘Sessions’ within a stylised video camera image.
In a black strip at the bottom: Once every four weeks on Sundays, 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. IST, on Zoom.

Surjyatapa is an urbanist and researcher whose work spans system dynamics, sustainable design and construction, and socially inclusive architecture. She currently works with Jana Urban Space Foundation, Bengaluru, on sustainable urban design policy and advocacy for streets and public spaces. Her research aims to enable methodical changes to the way Indian cities are designed and built, with emphasis on climate sensitivity, gender equity, and social inclusivity in public spaces.

Fixing the unbroken: Mustansir Dalvi

On a neon blue background, a faint wave pattern runs down the right side.
On top, in a yellow rectangle: Design
Below, the headline: Fixing the unbroken
Below, a subhead: Ignorance and arrogance in urban design
Next, the session date: 7th April, 2024
Next, in a circular window, a black-and-white portrait of the presenter with their name: Mustansir Dalvi
And below that, a descriptor: Professor of architecture
Below, at centre, the logotype for The Goa Project Sessions, which has the words ‘The Goa Project’ in white text next to a stylised sunset-and-water image, and next to that, the word ‘Sessions’ within a stylised video camera image.
In a black strip at the bottom: Once every four weeks on Sundays, 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. IST, on Zoom.

Recently retired, Mustansir was the longest serving Professor of Architecture in the University of Mumbai. He has extensively written on urban affairs and charts the development of Mumbai as a post-planning city. His columns have appeared in the National Herald, The Hindu, The Wire, and Scroll.